Thursday, October 25, 2012


I know I shouldn't read them, but I admit I do. It can sometimes be painful, but sometimes, it gives me an insight into what readers want. Of course, you can't please everyone. I have seen some contradictory reviews. What one reader likes, another may hate.

It's funny in a way. I've seen reviews that comment on the covers of novels. For instance, I saw a comment where one reader said they didn't purchase a book because the cover featured a model with one color hair and in the sample it said his hair was another color. This brought to mind a review that someone wrote for one of my books that said they didn't feel that the cover model looked like the character. As authors, we are asked to fill out a form to help cover artists create a cover. (This may be a different story if a book is independently published.) I haven't created the cover for any of my books. I appreciate all the hard work that goes into creating covers and I thank everyone who has ever worked on one for me.

The other day I read a review where the reviewer overall enjoyed my book but felt that it had one too many F bombs. I actually thought this was funny and I've tried to tone it down in my books. Why did I think it was funny? In my everyday life, I almost never curse. Not even the four letter words that are condoned on television. It was a comment from an older sister of mine at a formative age. She said it wasn't ladylike. So I never developed the habit.

Anyway, keep the reviews coming. You never know when a comment might shape a future novel.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Just Vamps Blog Hop Winner

Congratulations to Cassandra for winning the blog hop. Thank you to everyone who participated!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Just Vamps Release Party/Blog Hop

Just Vamps is available for purchase! As part of a blog hop, each of the authors is giving away a FREE copy to one lucky person! The hop ends Oct. 21 so don't procrastinate! All you have to do is leave a comment to enter. (Don't forget to leave your e-mail address so I can send your prize if you're the lucky winner!) Good luck and happy hopping!

Here's an excerpt from my story Chatting with a Vampire:

Alaya gulped. His voice was deep, dark and smooth. She thought she detected a hint of an accent. Possibly British? Her eyes fluttered closed. One word and he had her on the verge of swooning.
“Alaya, are you there?”
“Yes,” she squeaked. She cleared her throat. “Sorry. Is this Alexander?”
“Yes. Please call me, Alex.”
“Alex, um, as I was saying, that message was intended for my eyes only. It was never meant as a proposition.”
He chuckled. “So I gathered. Yet I was captivated and felt compelled to offer my assistance.”
“Yes, well, you’re a man. I suppose you were,” she stated in a dry tone. “Anyway, I added the ‘get laid’ part as a joke to myself. I wasn’t serious.” Alaya wiggled her mouse and waited as her screen brightened. She opened a browser window and went to a news website. This was where he made an offensive sexual overture. Attempting to cut him off, she continued, “I’m sorry you were inconvenienced—”
“No, don’t apologize to me again. Your e-mail is the most interesting thing to happen to me in … some time.”
Good grief, she thought. How sad. That list had been deadly dull with the exception of the “Get laid!” joke she’d added for her own benefit. Lord knows her social life was nonexistent, but if she’d received an unexpected e-mail from a stranger, she would have marked it as spam and never given it another thought.
He laughed. “You think that’s pathetic, don’t you? While I admit my days have been a bit dull and filled with the mundane, you intrigued me. What do you do for a living?”
“I’m a financial advisor.”
“You must love your job.”
“I do. What do you do for a living?”
“I’m retired. I manage my own investments. I guess you could say that I’m in a similar line of work.”
Retired? “How old are you?”
“Thirty-five. Dare I ask how old you are?”
“Twenty-seven. How long have you been retired? What did you do to retire so young?”
“I started my own company and sold it. Boring stuff really.”
“Not to me. Maybe I’ve heard of it. What was the name of your company?”
“How about we discuss this over drinks?”
She was curious, but she wasn’t crazy. Alex was a stranger. Charm and an appealing accent couldn’t change that. She’d enjoyed their conversation, but that was as far as it would go. “No, thank you.”
He chuckled. It was a sexy, low-pitched sound. “We could meet at the destination of your choice. I will e-mail you my photo and my address here in Charlotte. Once you verify it, you could send it on to a friend. And you can bring a friend to meet me before we begin our date.”
Alaya bit her lip. He was persuasive. She couldn’t believe she was actually considering it. “No. Listen, you don’t even know what I look like. Why do you want to meet me other than the fact that you think I’ll easy to get into bed?”
“We’ve talked. I want to get to know you better. As for bedding you, will I turn you down? Not if you ask nicely.”
She laughed. “All right. Drinks. Tomorrow night. I’ll send you the details.”

Backlist Bash

I dropped by Siobhan Kinkade's blog for her Backlist Bash! Drop by and check it out!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Blog Hop Winner

Thanks to everyone who dropped by and commented or followed my blog. As for finding my winner, I went old school and put everyone's name on a piece of paper in a bowl and had my daughter draw it out. The winner for my blog is flikchick! Congratulations and good luck to all of you!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Evernight Publishing Birthday Blog Hop!

Welcome to the Evernight Publishing birthday blog hop!

Evernight Publishing opened its doors two years ago. In those two years we’ve signed over one hundred and sixty authors and published over three hundred books. From paranormal to contemporary, we’ve had more best sellers than we can count and made thousands of people smile, sigh and gasp. So, as a thank you to all our readers and everyone who has supported us, we’re holding this blog hop and we have a whole lot of prizes to offer you.

Here's how it works... the more blogs you hop to (shown below) the more chance you have of winning prizes. Each author on the hop is offering a prize and Evernight is offering the following grand prizes, a Kindle, a $100 Amazon gift certificate, two Evernight swag bags (which includes a tote, a tee, vouchers, a mug and other coolness) and a personalized Facebook banner. To be in with a chance of winning the author prize simply follow the blog you're visiting and leave a comment which includes your email address. Each entry on each blog is then counted towards the grand prize draw. The more entries you have, the better your chance of winning a grand prize! You also get extra points for liking the Evernight Facebook page Just make sure you let us know in the comments that you've done so.

Good luck and happy hopping!

Man, I wish I could enter! My name is Thayer. If this is your first time visiting my blog, I'd like to say welcome and please come again. I'm giving away free copies of Whimsy and Acting Witchy. You can find cover photos and blurbs on my books tab. Thanks for dropping by.

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

99 Cent Books

Have you bought any of the 99 cent books from Evernight? I have. To make it easier on you, Evernight sent me this list with links to all the books. Also, all Evernight books are on sale at 50 percent off at All Romance Ebooks.

Links for 99 cent books:

•Romance on the Go - Moon Eyes by Marie Medina
•Naughty Fairy Tales - Jackie and Her Loose Talk by Jorja Lovett
•Cupid's Conquests - GunShy by Seleste deLaney
•African American - Most Eligible Bachelor by Empi Baryeh
•Alternative - Hero by K. Williams
•Anthologies - Master of Mine by Laura Gallagher, Jenika Snow, Alexandra O'Hurley, Rachel Clarke, Ashlynn Monroe, London St James, Melissa Hosack and Angelina Rain
•BDSM - The Diary of Anna's Submission by Jenika Snow
•Contemporary - Forever Men by Lace Daltyn
•Erotic - Paying Her Debt by Emma Shortt
•Fantasy - Chasing Earth and Flame by Adonis Devereux
•Futuristic - Whimsy by Thayer King
•Historical - The Ever Knight by Georgia Fox
•Humor - Prometheus Unstitched by Lila Shaw
•Interracial - Riding the Storm by Delilah Hunt
•May/December - The Bad Boys' Virgin Temptress by Sam Crescent
•Menage - Claiming Their Mate by Stacey Espino
•Multiple Partners - Riding Her Tiger by Doris O'Connor
•Paranormal - Black Lust by Karyn Gerrard
•Rubenesque - Three for the Road by Berengaria Brown
•Sci-Fi - Star Fallen Lover by Lynde Lakes
•Seasonal - Deception by Yolanda Sfetsos
•Shifters/Vampires - Irresistible Nemesis by Annalynne Russo
•Steampunk - The Promise of Silk by Lilith Duvalier
•Suspense - Last First Kiss by Vanessa Devereaux
•Urban fantasy - Losing his Religion by Alex Bowman
•Time Travel Time Travel - The Curse of the Scarab King by Wend Petzler
•Western - Wild West Weekend by R.M. Sotera and C.R. Moss

Monday, October 1, 2012

Evernight Amazon Sale!

Evernight is having an Amazon Sale. They've picked books from various categories and have put them on sale for 99 cents. Now that's what I call a sale! I can't resist a book for 99 cents. (I've already purchased one and will probably go back for more.) I was honored to have them ask me to include Whimsy as part of that sale. So if you haven't bought it, but you were wondering what it was all about, now is the perfect time.

For the full list of books on sale, visit the Evernight blog.