Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Almost Finished

I could have sworn that I’d posted earlier this year. Though I’ve tried to update word numbers regularly, I neglected to look at the front page. Imagine my surprise when I checked in today to see that I hadn’t posted since last year! I’d composed a message to post in February, but somehow never managed to actually post it.

So, here’s basically what I thought I’d said in February:

“I’ve been working slowly, but steadily on my next Bioexpa book. I’d hoped to have it finished last year. I’m happy to say that it’s not far from finished. I’ve been updating word numbers on the Works in Progress tab at least monthly. Which is more than I can say for the Books tab which I am again thinking of removing altogether.”

The editing book numbers was hit or miss. I am about fifteen hundred words or so from finishing that Bioexpa book. I’m close to the end. After the conclusion, I’ll probably wander around for a few days deciding on how to word the epilogue. Then I’ll get to my edits. I’m already looking at cover options.

For anyone reading this, I want to thank you for your patience and for sticking with me while I struggle with becoming more productive.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Apropos to Nothing but maybe warm fuzzies....

The other night I was watching television when I heard a thud outside. At first, I thought someone was playing their music too loudly as they passed our house. But I got up to peep out the window. In the darkness, I could see two cars parked just past our driveway and not far from our driveway, a crumpled figure in the road. I couldn’t tell if it was a dog, a fox, or a deer. It could even have been something that dropped off the back of a truck. I didn’t know.

Once those cars drove away, the headlights of the next passing car illuminated the deer in the road. It was still alive! We live on a road with no commercial businesses, but lots of homes and no small amount of traffic. While I wanted to run out there and assist the deer before it could get hit again, I didn’t want to get hit as happened recently to a motorist during broad daylight as he tried to assist a fellow driver. Also, while it wasn't a full grown male deer, I didn't know it's weight. And deer are wild animals. 

Not knowing who to call, I did a search on my phone. I was seconds away from calling the police, when I looked out the door and saw that the deer was on its feet! One of my neighbors was attempting to turn into her driveway, but it was blocked by the deer. Another car came behind her and as so often happens this person was less patient and drove around her. The poor deer was literally frozen in headlights. But the second driver blew their horn and the deer scampered off. It ran up our driveway, across our front yard, and into the woods. 

It was the most joyous moment I’ve experienced in far too long and I wanted to share it with all of you.

Friday, July 7, 2023

A Long Overdue Thank You

I want to thank everyone who took the time to write a review for Her Perfect Mate, but I especially want to thank those of you who mentioned that Missy does not have blue eyes. It’d really been worrying me, and I cannot express how much I appreciate you for your reviews.

I’ve been meaning to post this thank you for months, but I’ve been working on the next Bioexpa book in an attempt to be more productive this year. There just don’t seem to be enough hours in the day. Plus, I admit, I am easily distracted. 

Work on the next Bioexpa book is going well. I’ve set a very attainable goal of 100 words a day. I miss it on busy days, but most days I surpass it. The hardest part is starting at all. Setting a small goal is my way to get going. It’s less intimidating than saying I’m going to write two thousand words today—which on a good day, I can totally achieve. But not achieving a larger goal day after day just wrecks me. It’s hard enough looking at the reminder I have up to wash my hairbrushes but somehow keep forgetting to do anyway. This is the most I’ve thought about it since I put that note up five days ago.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer. I would say that I’m going to go wash those hairbrushes, but I think all know that’s not going to happen tonight.

Monday, May 1, 2023

Reviews and Other Stuff

For the first couple of weeks after a book release, I read reviews to see what people liked and what they didn’t. It helps shape future books in a small way.

Currently, Her Perfect Mate only has two reviews. The 1-star review sent me for a tailspin of checking the book for errors. I can’t argue with opinion, but I can dispute facts. Missy’s eyes are brown. I’m not sure where the reviewer got the idea that they were blue. Both Missy and Rick have brown eyes. All my female main characters, with the exception of Veracity in Dark, have had brown eyes. That kept me up last night. Now that I’ve gotten that off my mind….

I’m working on the next Bioexpa book. Thus far, it’s slow going as I get caught in a loop of obsessively checking on a recent release.

I’m thinking of either deleting or simplifying the Books tab as I am doing a terrible job of keeping it updated. Every time I even think of updating it, I put it off for another day. Also, I don’t like the appearance of it. The page is glitched.

On a personal front, I’m trying to work out a time to take my Newfoundland for her summer haircut and bath. She’s beautiful as she is but she’ll be more comfortable with a little less fluff. 

Until next time, everyone enjoy your summer!

Monday, April 24, 2023

Another Her Perfect Mate Excerpt

Her Perfect Mate is coming out this Friday and I'm so excited. Before it comes out, I thought I should post another excerpt to give everyone a small preview. Enjoy!

     He stood and rounded the table so that he towered over her. Missy resisted the temptation to back away. This close, he was overwhelming. And despite this conversation, she hadn’t made any decisions yet. Rick was essentially proposing marriage. She’d met him only yesterday. The man was a stranger!

     The craziness of it hit her at once and she stumbled back a couple of steps. It was pointless. Rick pursued her, keeping their proximity close.

     He stroked her cheek with the backs of his fingers. “You’re so beautiful. More so than I could have ever imagined whenever I thought of taking a mate.”

     “Thank you,” she replied automatically. She’d been complimented on her looks her entire life. She knew she was beautiful. Though she couldn’t quell the satisfaction of knowing that Rick appreciated her appearance, her beauty wasn’t an accomplishment that she’d earned. It simply was and therefore, she took no real pride in it.

     “When I take you, I’ll roll you onto your belly and raise you onto your knees.” With a gentle touch to her shoulders, her turned her from him and wrapped his arms around her waist. Missy inhaled a shuddering breath as he trailed his lips up her neck. His voice was thick with arousal as he continued, “And when you’re screaming my name while your pussy sucks all the cum out of my dick, I’ll sink my teeth into the tender flesh of your neck, claiming you forever.” He traced two fingers over the area where his lips had been. “Right here,” he said, indicating the spot where her shoulder and neck met.

     “Will it….” She stopped, clearing her throat. “Will” made it sound like a foregone conclusion that she accepted him as her mate. “Wouldn’t that hurt?”

     “No. You’ll love it.” His arm tightened around her waist, and she could feel him, hard and thick against the curve of her bottom.

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Her Perfect Mate Excerpt

I'm still working on edits, but I thought I'd pop in to post a brief excerpt. I still haven't decided on a release date. It's looking like late this month or early next month. Enjoy!

     When he pulled up to the house, Melisandre stood on the porch, unlocking her door.

     Rick glanced at the little yellow car with false eyelashes as he walked past. He smiled. No wonder he’d been so entranced by the driver’s lips even as Robin had sat at his side. It had been Melisandre, his mate.

     As he’d approached, she’d let herself into the house, but she paused at the threshold, making him proud of her bravery. He’d expected her to slam the door in his face after what Halle had told him. Taking her history into consideration, he slowed his gait and halted at the base of her steps. Keeping his distance was best. It gave her the impression of safety and if he got too close, he’d be unable to resist touching her.

     He stared up at her. She was fucking beautiful. He’d never really cared about looks, but he wasn’t blind. “Fate loves me,” he murmured reverently as he took her in from her bounty of thick blonde curls all the way down to her slender sneaker shod feet. And it was a long way down. She was tall for a woman. As he recalled, she reached his chin. She was slender but curvy with full breasts and rounded hips. Her legs were long, and he couldn’t wait to feel them wrapped around his waist. He wet his lips. “Melisandre.”

     “Everyone calls me Missy.”

     He nodded. “I’m not everyone.” He cocked his head to the side as he mulled it over. “Though it’s a bit of a mouthful for when we’re in bed.”

     She placed her hands on her hips. “How did you find me?”


     She huffed. “Just because you declare me your mate doesn’t make it so. I have a choice in the matter.”

     “Yesterday, before I caught your scent, I was at a traffic light. You were in the car behind me. Just the sight of your lips moved me. I wanted to see more. We’re meant to be, Melisandre.”

     She rolled her large expressive eyes. “That’s physical.”

     He acknowledged the truth of her words with a brief nod. As a beautiful woman, she’d probably heard all manner of compliments about her appearance. “You’re right. It starts there, but it doesn’t end there. We’ll learn about each other over time. I wouldn’t be here if it were just about your beauty.”

     “And I suppose the fact that I’m human means nothing to you.”

     He smiled. “It means you’re going to try to deny this, but that’s okay. I like the chase. It means that the first time we fuck, I won’t put you on your hands and knees because you’ll need a little more time to submit to me.”

     Her breathing sped up and she trembled. And while he caught a spark of irritation in her eye, he could smell her desire. He was happy to note the absence of any scent of fear. “Submit? Never.”

     Rick groaned. He was a perverse bastard. His dick actually jumped when she denied him. Fuck, he really loved a challenge. He couldn’t recall when he was last presented with one. “Have you eaten dinner?”

     She blinked and shifted from one foot to the other. “No.”

     “Let me take you to dinner.”

     She licked her full lips, and he swallowed a growl. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

     That wasn’t a “no.” He could work with that. “I’m not going to change my mind about you being my mate. You need to know me before committing? Have dinner with me.”

     Expelling a huff, she shook her head and mumbled, “Hell, might as well get it over with.” Rick hid a grin. He didn’t bother to mention that with his werewolf hearing he would hear her clearly. To him she said, “Give me a minute.”