Thursday, April 8, 2021

Finished Again

When I said “sort of,” I really meant it. The very next day I went back and added an epilogue. Next day, same thing. I just kept feeling like the story wasn’t done. Hopefully, I’ve covered all the bases now. I was happy with the conclusion.

I’ve spent the week reading through it and looking for mistakes. I finally finished today and submitted it to Evernight Publishing. While I’m waiting for them to get back to me, I’ll going to go back to work on Rick and Missy’s story.

Well, I cannot get into my Facebook page at all currently. If I ever get in again, it may be just to delete it.


  1. Yea!!! Thank you so much for the update!

  2. I can’t wait, I reread your books all the time!

  3. So happy to see an update from you! I’m so excited to read the next book !

    1. Hi, Mo. I'm excited, too. Sorry it took so long. Thanks for dropping by and commenting!

  4. Hello,
    I'm a follower of your novels and have read many multiple times. Thanks for sharing your art.
    Are there plans to continue the bioexpa series?

    1. You're welcome. I love doing the Bioexpa series. I know it's been a while, but I get ideas for them all the time. I've already started one and have plans for more.

  5. I just want you to know I love your work, and I have been anxiously waiting for your next book. I've read every book you've written. I'm a lifelong fan. Thanks for brightening my day.

    1. You are so welcome. I enjoy writing and I'm glad that I can pass that enjoyment off to others.

  6. Omg. I'm so excited to see this. I was actually re-reading Whimsy today and thought about Dark's story. You are my absolute favorite story teller. Can't wait!!!! Hailing from Trinidad 😁

    1. Thank you so much! I'm glad you've enjoyed my books. I've never been to Trinidad, but it looks beautiful.

  7. So excited for this book! Do we know when it’ll be published?

    1. I'm excited, too. I don't have a publication date yet. Since it's being published by Evernight, they set the date.

  8. Oh my gosh!! I can’t believe it! I’ve been waiting fo YEARS for this book to come out. I’m so happy \(ToT)/

    1. Sorry the wait was so long, but I'm really hope the wait will be worth it.

    2. Unfortunately, I still don't have a release date. I've seen the preliminary artwork and I've just finished the first round of edits. Depending on how many more edits there are, it could be this month or the next.
